Visual and Commissioned Arts
The visual arts below are a combination of hand or digital drawings. You may purchase from the ones below or choose to have a commissioned art. Prices may vary depending on what you want and the length of time it may take to create.
The Maroon Queen
Nanny of the Maroons, one of Jamaica’s National Heroines, has been celebrated over decades. Pictured to the right is a representation of her manner of defense. The glow up in her eyes and around her body, and spears is meant to reflect her spiritual strength and desire to guide and defend her people and her home. She is also a representation from the poem, “The Maroon Queen” in the poetry book, Time Transcendence: A Collective Awakening.
Mother Nurtures
A mother is the bringer of life, to nurture the young into one that knows how to love. The adinkra symbol, Akokonan in her forehead means mother hen while the Gye Nyame which means the omnipotence of God.
Mother’s Love
This picture represents the love and care of a mother and denotes the lengths a mother would go through just for her child. The poem from this picture can be read in the book Time Transcendence: A Collective Awakening.
Foundation and Trust
A strong family within the village and the community needs a strong foundation. Yet, even with a strong foundation, the family cannot become better without the trust of those atop the foundation. Together, the family becomes better.
This picture highlights the value and importance of a father figure or role model in a young boys life. “Boys Becoming Men” is a poem that appears in Time Transcendence: A Collective Awakening.
Gravity Rising
Reflecting on life, your challenges, and your struggles is among the first steps to being able to handle the next battle. One has to sit with themselves and truly think and question what a problem is or what one must be grateful for.
This picture is in the poetic narrative Time Transcendence: A Collective Awakening. Check out the book in our store today.
Rains from Heaven: Subconscious
This picture represents the blessings of rain and it’s ability to bring life while at the same time representing how it can bring destruction. The subconscious mind recognizes this balance in life acceptance. The poem from this picture can be read in the book Time Transcendence: A Collective Awakening.